8 Actions to Manifest More Money

In my previous blog posts I discussed how to manifest more money in your business and how to develop a success mindset.

In these two posts I focused on how to send a message to the universe with your spiritual actions such as gratitude, meditation and energy healing and how to be a success you must believe in your mind that you are a success.

I would like to now take the time to share how manifesting money and success also involves taking actions outside the spiritual realms – such as those in your day to day life and interactions with people.

1. De-clutter Your Emotions

It’s all well and good de-cluttering your closet or your office, but be sure to spring clean other areas of your life. What habits and thoughts have you been clinging on to that no longer serve you? Let them go. Fire them. Give them permission to leave.

2. Watch Your Words
Words can be powerful. Words can create your reality, so eliminate words that dis-empower you, like ‘someday’, or ‘one day’ or ‘in the future’.

Instead, substitute phrases like ‘I am going to …’ (as in “I am going to the Bahamas on July 15”). Once you make a clear plan and commitment, you will find all sorts of ways to move toward that goal, and it will become a reality.

3. Take the ‘Odd Giant Step’
Small actions that move us towards our goals are important—but if you really want to rocket boost your manifesting, get out of your comfort zone and give yourself permission to do things you wouldn’t normally do.

Sign up with that coach you’ve admired for the last three years. Get out of her free Facebook Group and invest in a coaching package or take her high-end boot camp.

Book that vacation you’ve been dreaming about for years. Indulge that childhood dream—the one your father always scoffed at—and learn to ride a horse.

4. Use Tools that Rule
Don’t keep buying cheapie courses or the economy version of a piece of technology. Invest in the best: The best and fastest computer, the VIP Mastermind weekend instead of the $10-a-month Basic Membership and the best VA instead of a fly-by-night cheapie contractor whose work you have to correct.

5. Share Your Dreams and Goal
A dream or a goal that is kept secret is one you’re not really sure about. You’re not sure if you deserve it. You’re not sure you can do it. You’re not sure if it is for you.

Start talking about your dreams and goals with people you trust. Sometimes, that person can provide an unexpected key piece of your puzzle, or even just encourage you and cheer you on.

And sometimes, when you actually put something into words, you will give yourself big clues and trigger cool insights that move you forward.

6. Use Tangible Tokens
Objects are not always just clutter. They’re not always ‘pretty but useless’. (Whose voice do you hear, when you read that phrase?)

Sometimes objects can be become powerful tokens or symbols of success. That’s when they transform into inspirational tools.

For example, that big piece of amethyst you dug up at the Amethyst Mine on that fantastic day last summer when you gave yourself permission to play hooky from work. Your giant-poppy umbrella that you bought on vacation in Seattle. Anything that triggers feelings of hope and happy memories can remind you that you can do anything you want: Because you already did it, at least once in your life.

7. Be Specific
This is such a basic tenet that we hesitated to include it, but it’s also one of the most important things to remember when getting ready to manifest, so here it is.

Setting a specific deadline for a step to be completed by (or a goal to be reached); specifying to the Universe that you want a brand-new car this time; looking for a specific type of VA to take care of specific needs. This sort of thinking and planning will move you toward your goal without back-tracking, stalls or hitches.

8. Acknowledge Fear
Being positive is not about denial. It’s not about yelling ‘I open myself to the abundance around me’ when you have just lost your biggest client, because your gut will tell you pretty thoroughly that you’re delusional.

An ancient Oriental proverb goes, “my enemy is my teacher”. Adopt that approach to fear. Use it as a learning tool and a motivator, and let it empower you.

Being positive is about facing your fear and acknowledging it, but not being derailed by it. Facing your fear can teach you that you have the power to deal with it, rise above and meet your goals.

Filed Under: Make More Money in BusinessTagged With: Acknowledge Fear, De-clutter Your Emotions, make more money in business, Manifest More Money in Your Business, mindset of speaking, personal speaking coach, public speaking coach, Tangible Tokens


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