6 Leadership Habits All Entrepreneurs Need to Have

Some people believe that you get the hand you’re dealt with and you can’t change it. It’s called a fixed mindset.

Other people believe getting ahead is related to hard work and it is not inherited. This one is called the growth mindset.

The people that have the growth mindset are the ones that end up successful in life.

I agree with the growth mindset. I also believe that you should manifest a success mindset to go hand in hand with working hard. To be a success you have to believe that you are a success.

Here are 6 things that you can do on your way to becoming a success.

1. Adopt a Success Mindset
Someone still clinging to old, negative self-messages and ‘I’m doomed to be poor’ thinking will end up blocking abundance at every turn. There’s no magic to overcoming this: Simply make the resolution that from this moment forth you will focus on the successes in your life from this moment forth.

Seeing all the ways in which you do move towards a better life can be the most powerful manifestation technique of all.

2. Give When You’re Lacking
When things are really tight, there’s a natural tendency to go into “fear mode”, and focus on the big hole in the boat. This leads to lowered vibrations as we let fear paralyze us.

Next time you are facing tough financial times, look outward. Donate to a cause you care about. Giving when it hurts is a powerful way to raise your vibration and signal your trust to the Universe.

3. Create a Success Playlist
It’s a well-known fact scientifically that music can energize or depress. Create a playlist for yourself that fills you with beauty, hope and energy. Play it while you’re working. Play it while you’re taking a break. Play it whenever you need a soul boost.

4. Have Fun Becoming Wealthy
Too often money and finances are sources of grim stress and despair. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve got—or lack—right now. It doesn’t matter how much you need to grow your net worth—fast. Taking a few moments to have fun with becoming wealthy takes away its power to paralyze (and helps keep you in touch with your creative, spiritual side—essential to prolific manifesting).

Pay for the next person’s coffee. Get yourself the super-deluxe Frappacappamochaccino, once in a while. Buy yourself a bunch of roses instead of that single carnation you usually purchase. Better yet, buy a bunch of roses for someone else and surprise them. Buy those ridiculous sunglasses with dragonflies on each wing. Spend a couple of hours making a folk-art decorated Money Box to keep small change in.

It doesn’t matter if the treat is big or small; for you or for someone else. Take the time to have fun with your money: That’s the way to help it become your New Best Friend.

5. Acknowledge Your Power
You have the power to manifest anything you want. It’s called ‘choice’.

Choice is your biggest gift. You can choose to focus on doubling your income. You can choose to wallow in misery. You can choose to add passive income to your money manifesting strategy. You can choose to put up with a miserable, soul-sucking client… or ‘fire’ her and free yourself up for a new client who is delightful to work with.
Choice is neither good nor bad, but it’s up to us whether or not we decide to make good choices (choices that empower us and move us forward) or bad choices (based on inertia and fear).

Acknowledge that only you have the power to choose the life you’ve always wanted.

6. Don’t Wait for Permission
One of the negative mindset traps we can fall into is ‘waiting for permission’: From the Universe, from our market niche, from our spouse—or even from those long-lost voices in our heads.

Don’t wait for signs that you ‘deserve’ to become wealthy. Write yourself a note. It should go something like this: “I grant permission for [Your Name] to start receiving abundance in all areas of life and I grant permission for her to become wealthy and financially free.”

Filed Under: Make More Money in BusinessTagged With: fixed mindset, growth mindset, How to Manifest a Success Mindset, make more money in business, personal speaking coach, public speaking, public speaking coach, speaking coach, Success Mindset, Success Playlist


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