7 Ways to Manifest More Money in your Business

There are countless ways to manifest more money in your business. The trick is to find the methods that work best with your core belief system and values.

Below are 7 Ways to send a message to the universe that you want more money in your business.

1. Give Up Control
While it is good to be specific, when setting up goals and planning how to attain them, be careful of thinking that is too rigid. Telling the Universe that you want to increase your income in a specific way with a specific outcome can blind one to unexpected opportunities and methods.

By all means, have a specific intent, but allow the Universe to deliver what you need in its own unique way. You’ll find it is often much better and more generous than the rigid outcome you were expecting.

2. Let Go of Everything that No Longer Serves its Purpose
If you want change to happen, make room for it. Get rid of old clothes, furniture, knick-knacks—even your old car.

What you are doing when you de-clutter is letting the Universe know you are ready for better things. Even better, you’re literally making room for abundance.

3. Take Action
A journey begins with one step, but until you take that step, you are sitting still. Ridiculously obvious… but signaling your intent to the Universe by taking action can be the most powerful manifestation technique possible. Remember that feeling is not doing!

4. Be Grateful for the Smallest Sign
Remember that when it comes to manifesting, sometimes the smallest action can cause the biggest paradigm shift. For example, picking up a dime and thanking the Universe for the beginning of money being attracted to you can be the start of more flowing in. But don’t overlook that dime!

5. Meditate and Exercise Daily
Don’t neglect either: Two powerful ways for clearing blockages from your body and mind.

It doesn’t matter if you devote only five minutes per day to these two powerful battery rechargers: It will make a difference to your physical well-being, emotional clarity and energy vibrations.

6. Use Physical and Energy Healing to Boost Manifestation Power
Not just exercising or having a morning smoothie: Incorporate some form of hands-on healing that releases those stubborn hidden blocks that nestle deep within our bodies into your manifestation strategy.

Reiki, Yoga, EFT, massage, interpretive dance classes—all of these modalities help to release physical and energy blockages, some as deep-seated as childhood; many of which we’re not even aware.

Be kind to your wounded inner child and take her out for a play date by booking a physical or energy healing session.

7. Take Care of the Practical as Well as the Mystic
Remember to pay your bills and track your finances. Having a clear picture of where you are at can help focus your manifestation efforts; plus, paying even the smallest amount on bills is empowering, as well as smart. You might also try saying “thank you” for every bill you pay. The fact that you have the money to pay them is a reason for gratitude.

Finally, remember that merely wishing you had more money is called ‘day-dreaming’. Desire, naming your goal and taking action is what starts the journey towards the finish line.

What action will you take today toward manifesting more money in your business (and more joy) in your life?

Filed Under: Make More Money in BusinessTagged With: 7 Spiritual Ways to Manifest More Money in Your Business, Energy Healing, Energy Healing to have more money, make more money in business, making room for abundance, Manifest More Money in Your Business, manifest spiritual, public speaking coach, signaling your intent to the Universe, speaking coach


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